Welcome to our blog. We will be posting news, information and events weekly.
Our Blog
NAEYC Accredidation
We are accredited - Promoting high-quality learning by connecting practice, policy, and researchThe National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all...
Open House
Had a GREAT time at this year's Open House! Prizes...socializing...activities...games...snacks...fun!
End of the summer picnic
Great picnic fun to celebrate the end of summer camp at EP! Good times!!!
w/e 3/6/2015
What a great week in Preschool!!! All about Space. They loved creating that great rocket ship, talking about outer space, pretending to be astronauts and creating the solar system! Fun, fun, fun!
Weekly Newsletter 1/30/2015
Had a blast this week learning all about snow and ice in Preschool. Great Penquins! Eskimos and igloos...so much fun in Preschool! Community helpers week/dental health this week...Doctors hard at work filling cavities! Kids loved it. We see future dentists among...
Weekly Newsletter w.e. 1/23/15
Dinosaurs..Dinosaurs!!! Pre-K LOVED their Dinosaur unit this week! They created these great "habitats". Kindergarten finished their week of "Magic" with a special guest for everyone to enjoy. What a great Magician/Entertainer! ...
Weekly Newsletter w/e 1/23/2015
Happy New Year! This week in our Preschool Room the theme is "snow". Many fun and fascinating activities are planned... For Art the children will be painting with colored ice, creating winter snowflake paintings, creating sugar igloos and winter trees using pine...
Newsletter – Week of September 19, 2014
Another great week in River Grove! Some activities in the Toddler room included finger painting with yellow and red to make orange, sorted unifix cubes into four colors, practiced self help skills; lacing, zipping and buttoning, made play dough, made yummy cupcakes...
Newsletter – Week of September 8, 2014
Lots of fun this week and some changes... Thank you for a great open house at River Grove! This week in River Grove we opened up our Preschool room; therefore, we now have our two year old room downstairs, three year old room is upstairs across the hall from the 4...
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